Inequality and racism are two such words which have taken a lot of lives, created a havoc in developed countries like USA, UK among various other nations. The issue has prevailed for over a very long time now and still even after so many years of human existence this continues to be prevalent even now when we talk about going to the sky.
Let’s first access the very meaning of the word, inequality. Does it mean that mean that the unprivileged class should get more attention? we should completely disrespect the other section of the society?
The basic meaning of inequality is treating a section of society differently and having stereotypical judgements over them. And making them feel different from the rest also it involves containing them from the rights of the citizen in general. It sometimes happens to an entire section of the society and sometimes with a particular gender. Which means there are two types of inequality which may happen, horizontal and vertical. horizontal happens when the people of the same caste and sect are treated differently from others while vertical happens when the people of other caste are treated indifferently. These both are not accepted as everyone is created by the god and we humans don’t have any right whether to determine who is worthy or insufficient to live together with them.
This issue is one of the most pressing political issues of the age. And the aggression raged by the so called discriminated is so much that it is creating protests which is taking a toll over the overall growth of the nations.
Some ways by which inequality and exclusion could be treated are:
- Fiscal compromises
- Shared capital
- Migration
- Technology and information
- Housing and spatial information
- Social protection
- Political common ground
- Citizen participation
- Tax avoidance
Although worldwide steps such as the globalisation, the world became a global village and the inequalities reduced and more and more people became confident about reaching out to different parts and were assured that there are people who will buy their goods. The gap amongst the haves and have nots has significantly reduced but still incidents like that which happened in the US is highly deplorable.
Women have been an integral part of our society ever since the humanity on earth is recorded. She has faced several problems and dilemmas but choose the correct way out and proved herself time and again. She is very kind, heard working, loving, cheering, and several other qualities which help an individual to develop oneself and lead the way to success for other as well. As we all know the past experiences of women bravery and courage, what goes unnoticed is to validate her, to praise her. She is the one who undoubtedly remains powerful and does not work for praises. now when we talk about making India a 5 trillion economy what is understated is the role which could be played by her and increase the overall growth prospects for the country.
But another aspect in this is how women could play their part and get world to that platform. As we know women are far more effective and efficacious in doing a particular type of work. But the mentality and orthodox believes make women suffer the consequences, and this hampers their capability to do the work which could have been done in a far better way. But with the beginning of this decade the picture has revolved and made females to take a charge of the work and lead the way for others. Being that said, let’s see what are the various prospects and opportunities laid ahead for the male counterpart in the coming years of growth and development.
Nowadays everyone has a say on every topic, like feminism. Everyone makes a different understanding and inference of the word. Some says that women should be empowered and, men to be disregarded while some are of the belief that women are already treated well and there is no such requirement. But the question is there actually any need of such movements? The answer is yes, even today majority of the women from all around the world are suffering and are even executed at some places even without any fault. Is this even humane? And the people who are involved in such inhuman activities are not punished for such happenings.
The people are discriminated to such an extent that they end up taking their lives. And the main culprits are not fined for their activity. Which leads them to even further continue their nuisance and hamper others growth. And not only disturbs them mentally but physically also.
The issue could be treated only when everyone understands that this is not correct. The one who faces it get to know that this wrong and can report it to the court also the one who undertakes it must realise that it is not cool and everyone is equal and none of us has got the power to determine that who is capable enough to live with the humans or not. Also the discrimination against the animals is not acceptable too. We all must learn the art of living with each other and must adjust to the needs of each other. And celebrate the existence of everyone and should be kind with everyone, irrespective of their caste, gender, sect, gender, age, nationality or any other basis.
By sukhman Kaur.