As we all know, the world is undergoing a pandemic. This brings us to discuss about the global health and how can bioengineering support the world come back to normal. Also during such pandemics one of the biggest mistakes is to consider a medicine as the helper who could put an end at the issue, whereas actually what helps the most is keeping the morale of the people high and other non-disease related solutions. Here comes bioengineering which is not only responsible for finding a vaccine from the organotypic tissue models and technologies or even sometimes upgrading the pre-existent method and uncover deadly diseases but also to find out solutions to worrisome factors such as water, air, food. This study involves potent minds to find root cause and formulate solutions for the factors and conditions which slowly turns out to be major crisis.

The WHO has stressed upon food security, quality of drinking water available, environment conditions, and various other factors which slowly become a pile and turns out to be an irreversible change and also ends up taking lives of the ones who have had already suffered enough. And this clearly explains that how bio engineers work and reduce the stress and workload of WHO which aims to reduce mortality rate due to any reason around the world, also to ensure clean environment and happy living of all beings.

So let’s see how actually bio engineering takes place, and how do the bio engineers make something to treat the decaying environment.

  • Water quality and quantity; the engineers understand the current condition of the water resources and then try to put a ceiling so that over exploitation. Now as many countries don’t he enough resource so that they can quench each and every body’s thirst so in this scenario what would likely happen is that the rich and authorities could get and fulfil their demands but this would ultimately lead to social unrests, civil wars and deaths. So the WHO I clearly against all such injustices and wants everyone to realise the importance of small things.

One such incident hadhappened in Chile, where was unrest due to already water scarcity.

  • Food availability- we all know that survival of living being without food is not possible so there must be enough stock of food for everyone. so that no one sleeps with an empty stomach on a given night. But the poor or the ones who cannot afford enough grains for everyone who is dependent on him for survival, when are not meeting the basic requirement for living disease free. This brings in the WHO and the bio engineers to rescue. They both, former having issues to be addressed and later having potent to solve them combine and find remedial steps.

But what if there is enough food produced but not given to everyone who wants it. More than 20% of the total food produced is simply thrown. Due to spoilage the buyers don’t buy and producers cannot undo the spoil so it gets thrown away. So what could be done about this is that low cost detecting machines which could detect the spoil beforehand and save the valuable eatables. As around 9 million humans die due to hunger and related diseases. Also this much higher than TB, malaria and AIDS’ death when combined. Which means a child dies from hunger every 10 seconds? This pretty much explains the depth of the problem as 1 in every 9 people go to bed with hunger. Although the stats have followed a down trend but still today when we are in the age of talking about going to the moon and setting up human colonies in mars and observing around millions of deaths each year just due to insufficient food supply.

  • Improving global health- this section involves the health conditions of the world as a whole. Now as it is obvious, every country does not have same type, number of patients. So there must be separate country specific health program depending on their capability. For this, funding is required which will help to get the best and the latest technology to formulate a country specific program. Also the bio engineers are amongst the highest paid employees all over the world. So the question is from where the funds will be arranged. So one way is to encourage people all around the globe and make them invest in the venture, by this they also get returns the organisation gets the required funds to undergo operations. Also if the venture could persuade people to agree to donate for the cause. Then as well the funding purpose of the venture could be solved.

After discussing all these pointers, it is very much clear that there is a need to grow more and more awareness about the bio engineering program and the cure it could do to ailing planet. And also the motives of the WHO which is the world health organisation could be served among which are food security, safe and enough drinking water availability, and enough energy production and procurement for everyone could be served.

How Automation Can Give Bioengineering a Boost | Technology Networks


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